1. | Approximate Data Mining for Sliding Window Based Data Streams
Kuo-Cheng Yin, Yu-Lung Hsieh, and Don-Lin Yang For full article CEPS
2. | A Virtual Computational Paper Folding Environment Based on a Computer Algebraic System
Wing-Kwong Wong, Po-Yu Chen, and Sheng-Kai Yin For full article CEPS
3. | Toward Ubiquitous Networking: QoS-aware Residential Gateway with Embedded ZigBee-based Network
Pei-Chen Tseng, Rung-Shiang Cheng, Yi-Cheng Chang, and Wen-Shyang Hwang For full article CEPS
4. | Applying the Extended Technology Acceptance Model to Analyze Consumers¡¦ Repurchase Intention of Online Travel Products
Wan-Yu Liu For full article CEPS
5. | Evolution of Component Relationships between Framework and Application
Reishi Yokomori, Harvey Siy, Norihiro Yoshida, Masami Noro, and Katsuro Inoue For full article CEPS
6. | A Novel Digit-serial Dual Basis Systolic Karatsuba Multiplier over GF(2m)
Ying Yan Hua, Jim-Min Lin, Che Wun Chiou, Chiou-Yng Lee, and Yong Huan Liu For full article CEPS
7. | On the Usage of Graph Spectra in Protein Structural Similarity
Sheng-Lung Peng and Yu-Wei Tsay For full article CEPS